What camera do you use?
Nikon Coolpix 810

What program do you use to edit your videos?
I'm a user of the good old Movie Maker

Why did you start blogging?
Well, I've always wanted to make blog, but I've never really known how to start and what I wanted my blog to be about. After I made a Youtube channel, I thought that it might be a good idea to have a blog, where I could write the things I couldn't talk about. I'm not so good at describing things with words and as you may notice in my second video, I'm a bit camera shy. Hopefully, I'll get over that soon.

What is your Youtube channel about?
My Youtube channel is a fashion/beauty channel. I'm going to do hauls, "What's in my bag"-videos and videos where I give tips on fashion and beauty stuff. If anyone have some ideas or thing they want me to do/show, I'll defiantly consider doing that.


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