Sunday 30 June 2013

Lana Del Rey

I was fortunate to be a part of a Lana Del Rey concert in a packed Tap1 on the Carlsberg in Copenhagen.

Even before she went on stage, I was overwhelmed by the surroundings and the effects. There were lion statues, tall candle holders, stuffed birds and palm trees as a background. The amazing scene decoration made it feel like you were instrumental in a Tim Burton movie. Lana Del Rey opened with "Cola" from the "Paradise" version of "Born to Die", and already with her entry, she captivated the audience. The hall was filled with screams as she from the start was quite close to the front row and handed out high fives to those who had been waiting for several hours. There have been a lot of stories lately, so I had a belly full of expectations. I got exactly the mysterious Lana Del Rey, as many probably expected. Not to figure out. Fake or not - one thing was certain already from the first track: the voice was as it should. The stunning, evocative and melancholy voice, familiar from her stunning debut album. It was clear, that the audience were satisfied during the final tracks, including 'Video Games', 'National Anthem', 'Summertime Sadness' and one of my favorite Lana Del Rey tracks 'Ride'. The songs made ​​people turn on their lighters and it got mixed with the glow of flickering mobile cameras that tried to capture every single second of the concert.

I'm definitely not wiser to Lana Del Rey after a nearly one and a half hour long concert. She is still as mysterious and difficult to grasp as both as artist and person. But the real pop stars are well in fact made ​​out of myths. Who really ever learned Michael Jackson absolutely right to know?

Friday 21 June 2013

La Glace & La Petanque

I was in Copenhagen with the rest of my French class last Wednesday. We were put in a group and then we got some different tasks we had to solve. My group and I had been asked to visit La Glace and the French Institute. We started at La Glace. I personally have never been to La Glace before, as there is always crowded with people. As soon as I entered the door, I was overwhelmed by the story of the 143 years old patisserie. Most of the beautiful patisserie still bloomed with the amazing old decorating. I could easily imagine the time they sat in big beautiful dresses and ate cake and drank coffee in the afternoon, chatting about the latest gossip. We asked one of the employees a few questions and then we had been allowed to buy some of the delicious pastry. I got two French macaroons, one with chocolate and one with lemon. I don’t normally enjoy cakes or pastry with lemon, but this was amazing. I can’t even describe with words, how good they were. It was like a bomb of lemon and chocolate exploding in my mouth. They were a bit expensive, but after I had the first bite, I didn’t regret spending a bit more money on them.

The French Institute wasn’t that exciting. So, I’m just going to skip that. We met the other groups and walked to La Petanque, which was a small restaurant where we would eat our lunch. As I walked down the small flight of stairs and opened the door, it felt like I suddenly stood inside a small restaurant in France. Behind the bar was a lot of spices and other exciting things. I just wanted to look at each individual can, bottle and small tub there were. It properly sounds a bit strange to you, but I guess I’m bit strange. We had to order on French and too be honest, I was a bit scared to mess up or say something stupid, but I didn’t and it went quite okay. The food was okay, not really a big deal. I ordered a pancake with egg, spinach and bacon. I think I got my hopes to high on this. But hey, I just went to La Glace, so of course I expected something unique.

Overall, it was a really good day and I learned a bit of French, which was the main goal of the whole trip.

Monday 17 June 2013

Blog or diary?

Before blogs, there were personal diaries. You bought a blank book and a pen, and then you began to write. If you were like most people, you would stare at the first page for hours and think about what exactly it was you wanted to write. It had to be brilliant. It should be exciting, witty and wise. It should be insightful and beautifully written. Otherwise, it didn't matter what you wrote on the remaining 200 pages. This first page was your introduction, your hello to the world.

One of these two things probably happened: Either you never wrote the first sentence at all, and the diary remained empty until you finally gave it to one of your eight year old nieces. Or else, you wrote the first sentence, maybe even a page or two. Then you read what you had written, decided it was silly or just not good enough. And you saved your diary in a drawer somewhere, so no one would see how inadequate you were.


Sunday 16 June 2013

Hello world!

A very good headline for my first post. So this is going to be my first post and to be honest, I'm a bit lost, as I am brand new to the big blogger world. I have for some time considered whether I should start blogging, but have been unsure if I really should do it, but here we go. It took me forever to figure out how I was going to start and I must admit that it is not easy to find out, but I think I've mastered the basics now. I am looking forward to messing around with it all and see all the other amazing blogs here, so I can get some inspiration to move forward. My blog will probably to include a little bit about my life, the things I like, shopping, clothes, shoes, bags, makeup and my Youtube channel. But I think I'm going to do it in my own way and then we will see where this is going. I look much forward to get started!


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