Monday 17 June 2013

Blog or diary?

Before blogs, there were personal diaries. You bought a blank book and a pen, and then you began to write. If you were like most people, you would stare at the first page for hours and think about what exactly it was you wanted to write. It had to be brilliant. It should be exciting, witty and wise. It should be insightful and beautifully written. Otherwise, it didn't matter what you wrote on the remaining 200 pages. This first page was your introduction, your hello to the world.

One of these two things probably happened: Either you never wrote the first sentence at all, and the diary remained empty until you finally gave it to one of your eight year old nieces. Or else, you wrote the first sentence, maybe even a page or two. Then you read what you had written, decided it was silly or just not good enough. And you saved your diary in a drawer somewhere, so no one would see how inadequate you were.



Michelle F. said...

Actually, I wanted to write something on the last post, but nothing except "you go girl" didn't come to mind. So, I decided to write here, because I have a diary. What happened to me is the wish to have a diary close to movie ones. My life just ain't that interesting. :D

So I agree. I settled with scrapbook/diary/quotes collection. I'm on book 2 now. Perhaps it's the question of the form. If you decide, I'll write a diary rarely ever you have anything to write and somehow you just stop thinking. :D

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